A note about tea - ready-to-drink/instant

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A note about tea - ready-to-drink/instant

Post by admin »

Ready-to-drink tea/Instant tea

Tea prepared with Tetley Pure Tea granules has a fluoride content of almost 10 ppm (Zoohori & Maguire, 2015). PG Tips Pure Tea granules tea has 7.7 ppm. Lipton Instant has also been found to contain up to 7.7 ppm.
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Lipton Pure Leaf is the best-selling Ready-to-Drink (RTD) tea beverage in the U.S. - reaping US $794 million in sales (Statista, 2020).
"Lipton Pure Leaf was the top selling ready-to-drink (RTD) tea brand in the United States in 2020, by a healthy margin. Sales of the beverage exceeded 794 million dollars, compared to competitors Arizona and Gold Peak who had respective sales of 580 million and 425 million dollars. Lipton was one of the most valuable soft drink brands in 2019, worth an estimated 9.1 billion dollars." (Statista, 2020)
SOURCE: Statista 2020
https://www.statista.com/statistics/237 ... in-the-us/

Zoohori V, Maguire A - "Database of the Fluoride (F) content of Selected Drinks and Foods in the UK" (2015)
https://www.tees.ac.uk/docs/DocRepo/Res ... tabase.pdf
Posts: 180
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:51 am

Fluoride in children who drink tea

Post by wendy »

Carwile JL, Ahrens KA, Seshasayee SM, Lanphear B, Fleisch AF - "Predictors of Plasma Fluoride Concentrations in Children and Adolescents" Int J Environ Res Public Health 17(24):9205 (2020)


Despite increasing concerns about neurotoxicity of fluoride in children, sources of fluoride exposure apart from municipal water fluoridation are poorly understood. We aimed to describe the associations of demographics, drinking water characteristics, diet, and oral health behaviors with plasma fluoride concentrations in U.S. children. We used data from 3928 6-19-year-olds from the 2013-2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. We used a 24-h dietary recall to estimate recent consumption of fluoridated tap water and select foods. We estimated the associations of fluoridated tap water, time of last dental visit, use of toothpaste, and frequency of daily tooth brushing with plasma fluoride concentrations. The participants who consumed fluoridated (≥0.7 mg/L) tap water (n = 560, 16%) versus those who did not had 36% (95% CI: 22, 51) higher plasma fluoride. Children who drank black or green tea (n = 503, 13%) had 42% higher plasma fluoride concentrations (95% CI: 27, 58) than non-tea drinkers. The intake of other foods and oral health behaviors were not associated with plasma fluoride concentrations. The consumption of fluoridated tap water and tea substantially increases plasma fluoride concentrations in children. Quantifying the contribution of diet and other sources of fluoride is critical to establishing safe target levels for municipal water fluoridation.
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