2017: Effects of fluoride on deiodination in liver

All adverse health effects of fluoride are related to thyroid hormone metabolism.
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2017: Effects of fluoride on deiodination in liver

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Yang H, Xing R, Liu S, Yu H, Li P - "Rescuing fluoride-induced damages in liver with gamma aminobutyric acid" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 491(1):19-24 (2017) doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.07.015
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 1X17313463

"Liver is the main site for thyroid hormone metabolism. mRNA expression of Dio1 and MCT8 increased significantly in NCG compared with those in the control group, indicating that fluoride improved Dio1 and MCT8 activities, promoted transmembrane deiodination of T4 and decreased serum levels of T4. These trends in Dio1, MCT8 and T4 are consistent with other studies. In theory, increased Dio1 and MCT8 activities leads to more T4 being converted to T3 over the short term, which would increase serum T3 levels. However, our experimental results show that fluoride treatment decreased T4 and T3 levels at the same time. This may have occurred because fluoride ions increased Dio1 activity, which catalysed T3 further to T2 or monoiodotyrosine, decreasing serum T4 and T3 levels in NCG mice."

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