Thyroid Studies 1850 - 1960

All adverse health effects of fluoride are related to thyroid hormone metabolism.
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Thyroid Studies 1850 - 1960

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Gordonoff T, Minder W - "Fluoride and the thyroid gland" in "World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics" Pitman Medical Co, Vol 2:234-247 (1960)

Stolc V, Podoba J - "Effect of fluoride on the biogenesis of thyroid hormones" Nature 188:855-856 (1960)

Anbar M, Guttman S, Lewitus Z - "The accumulation of fluoroborate ions in thyroid glands of rats" Endocrinology 66:888 (1960)

Gedalia I, Gross J, Guttmann S, Steiner JE, Sulman FG, Weinreb MM - "The effects of water fluorination on thyroid function, bones and teeth of rats on a low iodine diet" Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 129:116-24 (1960)


Lewitus Z, Guttman S, Anbar M - "Effect of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) on the accumulation of perchlorate and fluoroborate ions in the thyroid glands of rats" Endocrinology 70:295-7 (1959)

Jentzer A - "Effet du fluor et du fluor-iod sur la teneur en iode de la thyroide de lapin" Bull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss 15:412-422 (1959).

Anbar M, Guttman S, Lewitus Z -" Effect of monofluorosulphanate, difluorophosphate, and F borate ions on the iodine uptake of the thyroid gland" Nature 183:1517 (1959)

Knizhnikov VA - "Effect of potable water with high fluoride concentration on thyroid function" Gig Sanit 24: 20-25 (1959)

Mach Z, Zygulska-Machowa H - "O wplywie fluoru na przemiane J131" Endokrynol Pol 10:157-162 (1959)

Ntzer A - "Effects of fluorine and fluoridated iodine on the iodine content of the rabbit thyroid (determination of the organic iodine content of the thyroid, autographies of the pituitary gland. Iodine 131)" Bull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss 15:412-422 (1959)

Benagiano A, Colasanti, A, Simone G - "Studio della funziodita a tireoidea in soggetti residenti in zona fluorotiche" Ann. Stomatol 8:1-13 (1959)


Steyn DG - "The problem of dental caries and the fluoridation of public water supplies" Johannisburg (1958)

Gabovich RD, Verzhikovskaia NV - "Effect of fluoride compounds on absorption of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland in humans and in experimental conditions" Probl Endokrinol Gormonoter 4:49-54 (1958)

Galletti PM, Joyet G - "Effect of fluoride on thyroidal iodine metabolism in hyperthyroidism" J Clin Endocrinol 18:1102-1110 (1958)

Hidehiko T - "On the relation between the distribution of endemic goiter and the fluorine content of natural water in Hidaka Province, Hokkaido" Folia Pharmacol Jpn 54:225-229 (1958)

Takata H - "The effect of fluorine upon the uptake of I131 by the thyroid glands" Folia Pharmacol Jpn 54:230-236 (1958)


Galletti P, Joyet G, Jallut J - "Effets du fluorine de sodium sur la fonction thyroidienne dans la maladie de Basedow" Helvet Med Acta 24:209 (1957)
"Patients (15) with hyperthyroidism were treated for 20 to 267 days with NaF (4 to 10 mg/day orally [1.8 - 4.2 mgs of F-/day]). There was a delayed and rather inconstant effect upon the thyroid function as expressed by decreased BMR and decreased protein-bound I in the plasma, and also by a decrease in the early fixation of radioactive iodine by the thyroid. However, only in 6 patients [40%] a distinct clinical improvement could be observed. Studies with F18 failed to reveal any appreciable fluoride storage in the thyroid. The authors assume that NaF inhibits the uptake of inorganic I by the thyroid, an action comparable to, but less intensive than that of perchlorate."

Tempestini 0 - "Studio sul comportamento della carie dentale nella popolazione infan tile di un territorio endemico de gozzo e di fluorosi dentale avente acque a bassissimo contenuto di saii di fluoro" (DENTAL CARIES IN CHILDREN IN A TERRITORY OF ENDEMIC GOITER AND DENTAL FLUOROSIS HAVING WATER SUPPLIES WITH VERY LOW FLUORIDE CONTENT) Riv Ital Stomatol 12:407-12 (1957)

Tempestini 0 - "Endemia di gozzo e di fluorosi dentale in un territorio a bassissimo contenuto di fluoro nelle acque" (ENDEMIC GOITER AND DENTAL FLUOROSIS IN A TERRITORY WITH VERY LOW FLUORIDE CONTENT OF WATER) Clin Odont 12 (1):10-18 (1957)

Minder W, Gordonoff T - "Antagonism between fluorine and iodine" J Physiol (Paris) 49(1):314-6 (1957)

Gordonoff T - "Zum Fluorproblem" Osterr Z Stomatol 54:561:571 (1957)

Kraybill HF, Fitch HB - "Recent nutritional concepts in relation to dental health" The Journal of the American Dental Association, 55(2):235–240 (1957)


Bixler D, Muhler JC, Shafer WG - "The effect of radioactive iodine on dental caries in the rat" J Am Dental Assoc 53:667-71 (1956) (Administration of desiccated thyroid significantly reduced caries, being as effective as NaF)

Gordonoff T, Minder W - "An antagonism between iodine and fluorine" Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 107(3-4):374-81 (1956)

Straub J, Kovacs E - "Fluor-jod antagonizmus" Nepegeszsegugy 37(6):162-4 (1956)

Galletti P, Held HR, Korrodi H, Wegmann T - "Investigations on the possible damaging effect of fluorine on the thyroid gland" Helv Med Acta 23:601-605 (1956)

Demole V, Lerch P - "Normality of fixation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid of rats during experimental fluorosis" Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta 14(4):62-63 (1956)

Muhlemann HR, Schneider R - "Mitotic activity of rat thyroid epithelium after administration of fluoridated drinking water" Schweiz Med Wochenschr 86:625-627 (1956)

Cherzinski SN, Zaslavskaia RM - "Significance of fluorides in potable water in the development of endemic goiter" Probl Endokrinol Gormonoter 2(4):70-5 (1956)

Korrodi H, Wegmann T, Galletti P, Held HR - "Fluor und Schilddrüse" Zeitschrift Für Präventivmedizin - Revue de Médecine Préventive 1(1-6):285–296 (1956)


Benagiano A, Fiorentini S - "Richerche sperimentali e cliniche sui rapporrti tra fluore e tirodi" Annali di Stomatol 4:3-16 (1955)

Steyn DG, Kieser J, Odendaal WA, Malherbe MA, Synan HW, Sunkel W, Naude CP, Klintworth H, Fisher E - "Endemic goitre in the Union of South Africa and some neighbouring territories" Pretoria:Union of South Africa, Department of Nutrition (March 1955)

Harris NO, Hayes RL -"A tracer study of the effects of acute and chronic exposure to sodium fluoride on the thyroid iodine metabolism of rats" J Dent Res 34:470-477 (1955)

Korrodi H, Wegmann T, Galleti P, Held HR - "Caries prophylaxis and the untoward effects of fluor on the thyroid gland" Schweiz Med Wochenschr 85: 1016-1019 (1955)

Levi JE, Silberstein HE - "Lack of effect of fluorine ingestion on uptake of iodine 131 by the thyroid gland" J Lab Clin Med 45:348-351 (1955)

Auskaps AM, Shaw JH - "Hemoglobin concentration, thyroid weight and growth rate in rats during minimum fluoride ingestion" J Nutr 55: 611-621 (1955)
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Muhler JC, Shafer WG - "Experimental dental caries, IV. The effects of feeding desiccated thyroid and thiouracil on dental caries in rats" Science 119:687-9 (1954)
("The results indicate that the activity of the thyroid is related to the incidence of dental caries, and that a synergism exists between the activity of F and the thyroid gland.")

Wespi HJ - "Besteht ein Antagonismus zwischen Fluor und Jod?" Praxis 43:616-623 (1954)

Wespi HJ - "Iodized-fluoridized salt for the prevention of goiter and caries" Schweiz Med Wochenschr 84: 885-890 (1954)

Jentzer A - "Action du fluor sur le relais thyroidien-hypophysaire demontree par l'iode 131" Bull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss 10:211-20 (1954)

Ornek S - "The Role of Fluorine Contained in Drinking Water of our Country with Regard to Tooth Decay and Fluorosis" Acta Med Turc. 4:79 (1954)

Demole V - "Iodine storage in thyroid gland of rat following administration of sodium fluoride" Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta 12 (1954)


Olgivie A - "Histologic findings in the kidney, liver, pancreas, adrenal and thyroid glands of the rat following sodium fluoride administration" J Dent Res 22(3):386-397 (1953)

Wadhwani TK, Ramaswamy AS - "Pathological changes in the tissues of rats (albino) and monkeys (macara radiata) in fluorine toxicosis" J Indian Inst Sci 35:223-230 (1953)

Wadhwani TK -"Metabolism of Fluoride. Absorption, retention, distribution and elimination of fluorine and its effect on the Vitamin C content of different tissues, and on the iodine content of thyroids of rats and monkeys" J Indian Inst Sci (35) 354-362 (1953)

Spira L - "Pathological Findings in Fluorine Intoxication" AMA Arch Indust Hyg & Occup Med 7(3):262 (1953)

Hoffmann-Axthelm W - "Observations on the influence of fluorine on dental enamel and thyroid gland" Dtsch Zahnarztl Z 8:757-765 (1953)

Held AJ - "Fluorine and thyroid gland" Bull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss 9:132-145 (1953)


Kraft K, Dengel F - "Über die Synthese einiger aromatischer Fluorverbindungen, II. Mitteilung" Chem Ber 85(6):577-582 (1952)

Gordonoff T, Minder W - "Caries prophylaxis with fluorine as a physiological problem" Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 82:972-973 (1952)

Reynolds Metals Corp vs. Paul Martin et al - Transcript of Record. US Court of Appeals, Ninth District, Nos.14990-14992 (1952)

Ogilvie AL - "Histological findings in the kidney, liver, pancreas, adrenal and thyroid gland of the rat following sodium fluoride administration" J Dent Res 31:598-598 (1952)


Demole V - "Iode, fluor, thyroïde chez les écoliers suisse" [Iodine, fluorine and thyroid in the school children in Switzerland] Bull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss 7(5-6):430-9 (1951)

Demole V, von Fellenberg T, Held AJ, Schmid H - "Fluorine, dental caries and thyroid; observations in Valais, Switzerland" Bull Acad Suisse Sci Med 7:40-462 (1951)

Gushchin SK - "Effect of sodium fluoride on iodine metabolism in rabbit tissue organs; on the etiology of endemic goiter" Gig Sanit 2:45-8 (1951)

Kraft K - "Über die Synthese einiger aromatischer Fluorverbindungen" Knoll Research, Chem Ber. 84(2):150-156 (1951)

May W - "Fluor als Therapeuticum" Arzneimittel Forschung 1:33-37 (1951)

May W - "Die Basedowsche Krankheit - Jod und Fluor" [Basedow Disease - Iodine and Fluoride] Ed. Cantor, Aulendorf (1951)


May R - "Therapie mit organischen Fluorverbindungen" Med Wochenschr 4:489-490 (1950)

Phillips PH, Edens RJ - "Fluorgehalt d. Schilddrüse in Fällen von Hyperthyreoase" Madison Diskussion, Biblioth.d Forsch. Knoll (in May, 1950)

Williams RH, Jaffe H, Soloman B - "Effect of halides on the antithyroid action of thiouracil and propylthiuracil" Am J Med Sci 219:1-6 (1950)
(The goitrogenic action of small doses of thiouracil and propylthiouracil administered in the drinking water to rats was distinctly augmented by NaF)


Ferguson JKW, Sellers EA - "The effects of iodides and other halides given with thiouracil" J Pharmacal Exptl Therap 97(2):177-81 (1949)

Euler H, Eichler O, Hindemith H - "Über die Wirkung einiger organischer Fluoride bei chronischer Darreichung" Arch exp. Path u Pharmakol. Bd.206:75-82 (1949)

May Richard - "Erfahrungen in der Behandlung von Hyperthyreose- und Basedow-Kranken mit einer organischen Fluorverbindung (Fluoroxyphenylessigsäure, 'Capacin')" Deutsche Med. Wochenschr.74(12):374-375 (1949)


Steyn DG - "Fluoride and endemic goitre" S Afr Med J 22:525-526 (1948)

Galiazzi M - "Il fluoro in natura corne agente morbigeno, un focolias di fluorosi umana a Compagnano di Roma" 43: 739-760 (1948)

Rappoport A YA - "Effect of compounds of fluorine and other halogens on the morphological reactions that depend on the thyroid gland, and on the consolidation of bone fractures" Byull Eksperim Biologii i Meditsiny 25:2 (1948)

Murray MM, Ryle JA, Simpson BW, Wilson DC - "Thyroid Enlargement and Other Changes to the Content of Drinking Water (with a Note on Goitre Prophylaxis)" Medical Research Council (British) Memorandum, No. 1839, 8 pp.(1948)


Galeazzi M - "Il fluoro in natura come agente morbigeno, Nota III . Un focolaio di fluorosi umana a Campagnano di Roma" Rend 1st Super Sanita 10:739-60 (1947)

Casterra H - "Erfahrungen mit einem neuen organischen Fluorpräparat bei Hyperthyreosen" Das Deutsche Gesundheitswesen 2(22):704-705 (1947)

Blanco Soler C - "Tratamiento del hipertiroidismo; el yodo, el fluor y las modernas sustancias antitiroideas" [Hyperthyroidism treatment; iodine, fluorine and modern antithyroid substances] Rev Clin Esp 25(2):132-45 (1947)


Astwood EB, Bissell A, Hughes AM - "Further studies on the chemical nature of compounds which inhibit the function of the thyroid gland" Endocrinology 37:456-81 (1945)

Gilmore CE - "Growth, thyroid and dental caries" Texas Dental J 63:368 , 371-372 (1945)


Shrewsbury CL, Hatfield JD, Doyle LP, Andrews FN - "Some effects of fluorine in the nutrition of sheep" Indiana Agr Expt Sta Bull No 499 - 20 pgs (1944)

Hatfield JD, Shrewsbury CL, Andrews FN, Doyle LP - "Iodine-fluorine relationship in sheep nutrition" J Anim Sci 3:71-77 (1944)

Glock GE - "Peroxidase Activity of the Thyroid" Nature 154:460–461 (1944)

Gordon ES, Heminges E - "The effect of thyroid treatment on the respiration of various rat tissues" Endocrinology34(6):353–360 (1944)


Hatfield JD - "The Effect of Fluorine on the Thyroid Gland of Experimental Animals" (Doctoral Dissertation, Purdue University) (1943)


Euler H, Eichler - "Ueber die Wirkung von Fluor in organischer Binding auf das Zahnsystem der Ratte" Arch exper Path 199:179-187 (1942); also Dtsch Zahn Hk 9(1) (1942)

May W - "Die Behandlung der Hyperthyeosen mit Fluortyrosine" Deutsch Med Wochenschr 68:164 (1942)

Hatfield JD, Shrewsbury CL, Doyle LP - "The values of rock phosphate as supplement for sheep" J Animal Sci 1:59 (1942)


Hodenberg v - "Die Behandlung der Hyperthyreose mit Fluortyrosin" Deut Med Wochschr 67:706-9 (1941) ... 28-1119159

DeEds F - "Factors in the etiology of mottled enamel" J Am Dental Assoc 28:1804-14 (1941)

Wilson DC - "Fluorine in aetiology of endemic goitre" Lancet I:211-213 (1941)

Boyer PD - "The Toxicity and Effect on the Basal Metabolic Rate of the Rat of 3-fluorotyrosine, 3-fluorophenylalanine, 3-fluoro-5-iodotyrosine, and 3, 5-difluorotyrosine" University of Wisconsin--Madison (1941)

Guercio F, Cazzola D - "The mechanism of action of some hypophyseal hormones: influence of several poisons (monoiodoacetic acid, sodium fluoride, etc.) and of pancreatectomy on the gonadotropic and thyrotropic hormones" Arch Sci Biol (Bologna) 27:405 (1941)


Wilson DC - "Fluorine in aetiology of endemic goitre" Lancet I:211-213 (1941)

Yosida M - "Uber den Einfluss von Sodiumfluorid und Borax auf die Wirkung des Thyroxins" Folia Endocrinol Japan 15:82-3 (1940)

Wilson RH, DeEds F - "The Synergistic Action Of Thyroid On Fluoride Toxicity" Endocrinology 26:851 (1940) ... 51/2772876

May R - "Untersuchungen über den Fluorgehalt des Trinkwasseres in bayerischen Kropfgebieten verschiedener Endemiestärke" Z. Ges. Exp. Med 107:450 (1940)
"A definitive clarification of the question of whether the element fluorine and its compounds influence goiter formation cannot be achieved through water analysis alone. Therefore, the examination of foodstuffs containing not only inorganic but also organically bound fluorine is demanded, as organic fluorine compounds undergo a different absorption mechanism in the body than inorganic ones and are able to influence the metabolic processes associated with the thyroid gland much more intensively."

DeEds F, Wilson RH, Cutting WC - "Thyrotropic hormone and fluorine activity" Endocrinology 26(6):1053-1056 (1940)

Yosida M - "Uber den Einfluss von Sodiumfluorid und Borax auf die Wirkung des Thyroxins" Folia Endocrinol Japan 15:82-3 (1940)


DeEds F - "Insecticides, pest control, agents and spray residues in relation to the public health: fluorine toxicity" Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association, University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, and San Francisco, July 24th to August 12th, 1939 , Page 178 - 183 (1939)

Inouye Y, Yamaga T, Maeda S - "Schwankungen der Werte von Jod, Fluor, anorganischen Salzen und von Zucker im Blut bei der Fluorwasserstoff-Iontophorese" Japan J Med Sci VIII Internal Med, Pediat Psychiat 5:Proc 149 (1939)

Steyn DG - "Water poisoning in man and animal, together with a discussion on urinary calculi" Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Animal Ind 12:167-230 (1939)

May H, Litzka G - "Über die Hemmung des Tumorwachstums durch Fluortyrosine" Z. Krebsforschung 48:376 - 382 (1939)

Aisawa M - "Uber den Einfluss des Bypophysenvorderlappens auf die Gewebsatmung, speziell uber die Beeinflussbarkeit dieses Einflusses durch verschiedene Pharmaca. V. Mitteilung. Uber den Einfluss von Acidum araenicosum, Sodiumfluorid und Borax". (THE EFFECT OF ANTERIOR PITUITARY ON TISSUE RESPIRATION ESPECIALLY THE INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS PHARMACEUTICAL AGENTS ON THIS EFFECT. V.THE INFLUENCE OF ARSENIOUS ACID, SODIUM FLUORIDE AND BORAX) Folia Endocrinol Japan 15:39-40 (1939)


Hosoi T, Okura E - "Fluorwasserstoff-Badekur und innere Anwendung von Borax bei Basedowscher Krankheit und Hyperthyreoidismus" Journal of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 22(1):754-760 (1938)

Goldemberg L - "Treatment of cardiac insufficiency in basedow’s disease with intravenous injections of sodium fluoride" Bull Acad Med 119:39-45 (1938)

Steyn DG - "Fluorine poisoning in man and animal" Paper read at the annual meeting of the South African Veterinary Medical Association held in October 1937, at Onderstepoort. Cape Times (1938)

Inouye Y, Yamaga T, Simizu K, Otani K - " Therapeutische Anwendung der Fluorwasserstoff-lontophorese bei der Basedowkrankheit und Hypertonia" Japan J Med Sci VIII, Internal Med Pediat Psychiat 5:Proc 104-108 (1938)

Evans RJ, Phillips PH - "The fluoride content of the thyroid gland in cases of hyperthyroidism" JAMA 111(4):300-302 (1938)

Elmer AW, Giedosz B, Scheps M - "Effect of difluorotryosine in experimental hyperthyroidism" Compt Rend Soc Biol 129:1225-1226 (1938)


Cheng RG, Reid E - "Balance experiments on albino rats with fluorspar" Chinese J Physiol 12:223-31 (1937)

Speder E, Charnot A - "Syndromes osseux du type hyperparathyroldien et du type hypoparathyroidien provoques par l'intoxication par les divers sels de fluor et par des intoxications minerales associees" Maroc Med 17:405 (1937)

Litzka G - "The general biological action of amino acids containing nuclear fluorine (Fluorotyrosine)" Arch Exper Path Pharmakol 183:427 (1936) Chem. Abs 31:6333 (1937)

Litzka G - "Die experimentellen Grundlagen der Behandlung des Morbus Basedow und der Hyperthyreose mittels Fluortyrosin" Med Wochenschr 63:1037-1040 (1937)

Litzka G - "Erfolgskontrolle bei Behandlung der Schilddrüsenüberfunktion" Z. klin. Med.131:791-799 (1937)

Litzka G - "The Effect of Fluorotyrosine on Carbohydrate Metabolism" Ztschr Ges Expe Med 22:518 (1936) Chem Abs 31: 1498 (1937)

Kraft K - "Beiträge zur Biochemie des Fluors I. Über den Antagonismus zwischen Fluor und Thyroxin." Hoppe-Seglers Z.Physiol. Chem 245:58 -65 (1937)

Kraft K, May R - "Beiträge zur Biochemie des Fluors. II. Fluorbestimmungen an Blut und Waessern" Z Physiol Chem. 246:233-43 (1937)

May W - "Eine neue interne Behandlung der Hyperthyreosen einschließlich des Morbus Basedow" Diskussionsvortrag, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für innere Medizin, 49.Kongress, Wiesbaden, March 15-18, 1937, München (1937)

May W - "Behandlung the Hyperthyreosen einschliesslich des schweren genuinen Morbus Basedow mit Fluor" Klin Wochenschr 16:562-564 (1937)


Litzka G - "Die antithyreotoxische Wirkung des Fluortyrosins" Arch. Exp Pathol u. Pharmakol 183:436-458 (1936)

Litzka G - "Fluortyrosine" Klin Wochenschr. 15:1568-1569 (1936)

Phillips PH - "Further studies on the effects of NaF administration upon the basal metabolic rate of experimental animals" Am J Physiol 117:155-159 (1936)

Phillips HP - "The influence of fluorine on the basal metabolism of the white mouse fed desiccated thyroid" J Anim Sci 1936a:240-241 (1936)

Stormont RT Kozelka FL, Seevers MH - "The iodine content of the thyroid following chronic fluoride administration" J Pharm Exptl Therap 57:143-144 (1936)

Svirbely JL - "The effects of diet and various substances on the Vitamin C content of some organs of the rat" Am J Physiol 116:446-55 (1936)

Diester HE, Greenwood DA, Nelson VE - "Pathologic and physiologic studies on dogs receiving fluorine in doses comparable to those encountered in some water supplies" North Am Veterinarian 17 (10):38-43 (1936)


Bogdanovi SB - "Über die Wirkung kleiner Fluornatriummengen auf den Gehalt des Kaninchenserum an Calcium und anorganischem Phosphor" Arch Exp Pathol Pharmakol 178:104–108 (1935)

Goldemberg L - "Five years of treatment of hyperthyroidism with fluoride" Semana Med (Buenos Aires) 11:1273-9 (1934) (C.A. 29:511,1935)

Goldemberg L, Schraiber J - "El contenido en fluor de los humores (sangre, liquido céfaloraquideo, etc.) del organismo humano en diversos estados patoldgicos" [THE FLUORIDE CONTENT OF HUMORS (BLOOD, CEREBROSPINAL FLUID, ETC.) OF THE HUMAN ORGANISM IN VARIOUS PATHOLOGICAL STATES] Rev Soc Argent Biol 11:43 (1935)

May W - "Antagonismus zwischen Jod und Fluor im Organismus" Klin Wochenschr 14:790-792 (1935)

Schutte J - "Fluorine therapy in hyperthyroidism and in some symphatheticotonic neuroses" Arch Med Interna Habana 1, No. 3 (1935)

Phillips PH - "The basal metabolic rate of the white rat fed desiccated thyroid" Am Soc Animal Prod Rec Proc 28th Ann Meeting 240-1 (1935)

Phillips PH, English H, Hart NB -"The augmentation of fluorosis in the chick by feeding desiccated thyroid" J Nutrition 10:399 (1935)

Phillips PH, English HE, Hart EB - "The influence of sodium fluoride upon the basal metabolism of the rat under several experimental conditions" Am J Physiol 113:441-449 (1935)


Slaviero A - "Ricerche sperimentali sull' intossicazione da fluoro" (EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON FLUORINE INTOXICATION) Arch Ist Biochim Ital. 6:285-310 (1934)

Raveno WS - "Fluorides as an aid to iodine in hyperthyroidism" J Mich State Med Soc 33:359-63 (1934)

Purjesz B, Berkessy L, Gönczi K, Kovacs-Oskolas M - "Über die biologische Speicherung der halogenen Elemente in Hühnereiern und im tierischen Organismus" Arch Exp Pathol Pharmakol 176:578-582 (1934)

Phillips PH, Lamb AR - "Histoloy of certain organs and teeth in chronic toxicosis due to fluorine" Arch Pathol 17:169-176 (1934)

Chang CY, Phillips PH, Hart EB, Bostedt G - "The effect of feeding raw rock phosphate on the fluorine content of the organs and tissues of dairy cows" J Dairy Sci 17:695 (1934)

Hamilton AS - "The effects of sodium beomide and other haloid salts upon the weight and structure of the thyroid gland in the albino rat" Endocrinology 18(2):170-178 (1934)

Goldemberg L - "Cinq années de fluorothérapie" [FIVE YEARS OF FLUOROTHERAPY] La Semana Médica 41:12, 73 (1934)


Phillips PH - "The manifestations of scurvy-like symptoms induced by ingestion of sodium fluoride"J Biol Chem 100:29 (1933)

Goldemberg L - "La fluorterapia por via endovenosa produce el descanso y la normalizacion de la eritrosedimentacion acelerada de los hipertiroideos, (INTRAVENOUS FLUORINE THERAPY EFFECTS RETURN TO NORMAL OF THE ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE, WHICH HAD BEEN ACCELERATED IN HYPERTHYROID PATIENTS) Prensa Med Arg 20:2589-721 (1933) Rev Soc Arg Biol 9:550-554 (1933)

Goldemberg L - "Results obtained in foreign countries with the treatment of exopthalmic goiter with fluorine" La Semana Med II:2106 (1933)


Goldemberg L - "Comment agiraient-ils thérapeutiquement les fluorures dans le goitre exophtalmique et dans l'hyperthyroïdisme?Technique actuelle du traitement fluorique." [HOW WOULD FLUORIDES ACT THERAPEUTICALLY IN EXOPHTHALMIC GOITER AND IN HYPERTHYRODISM? CURRENT TECHNIQUES IN FLUORIDE TREATMENT] La Semana Médica 39 (1932)

Maccioro G - "La fluorterapia nel morbo di Flajani-Basedow“ Riforma Med 48:1436-46 (1932)

May W, Schwarz B - "Die Basedow-Behandlung mit Fluor. Vorlaufige Mitteilung." Fortschr. Med 50:563-564 (1932) ... 9321402310

Orlowski W - "Sur la valeur therapeutique du sang animal du bore et du fluor dans la maladie de Basedow" La Presse Medicale 42:836-837 (1932)

Severs MH, Braun HA - "Effect of Sodium Fluoride upon Experimental Thyroid Poisoning" Experimental Biology and Medicine 33(2):228 (1935)

Gorlitzer von Mundy V - "Die Beinflussung des Stoffwechsels durch die Halogenwasserstoffsäuren im Tierexperiment, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fluorwasserstoffsäure" Arch Exp Pathol 165:443- 461 (1932)

Gorlitzer von Mundy V - "Ein neuer Weg zur Behandlung der Thyreotoxikose mit Fluorwasserstoffsäure" Med Klin 21:717-719 (1932)


Goldemberg L - "Treatment of exophtalmic goiter and hyperthyroidism by intravenous injections of sodium fluoride" Semana Med 11:1833-1837 (1931)

Goldemberg L, Maggi JH - "Episodio agudo gravisimo de tirotoxicosis en una enferma de Basedow, curado con las inyecciones endovenosas de fluoruro de sodio" [VERY SERIOUS CUTE EPISODE OF THYROTOXICOSIS IN A PATIENT WTH BASEDOW, CURED WITH INTRAVENOUS INJECTIONS OF SODIUM FLUORIDE] Prensa Méd Argent 18:169 (1931), Rev Soc Med Int Soc Tisiol 7:289-292 (1931)

Stormont J, Kozelka FL, Seevers MH - "The iodine content of the thyroid following chronic fluoride administration" J Pharmacol Exp Ther 57:143-4 (1931)


Goldemberg L - "Action du fluorure de sodium sur le métabolisme basal du rat" [ACTION OF SODIUM FLUORIDE ON RAT BASAL METABOLISM] C R Soc Biol 104:1031 (1930 ) and Y Physiol Path Gén 28:556 (1930)

Goldemberg L - "Tratamiento de la enfermedad de Basedow y del hipertiroidismo por el fluor" (TREATMENT OF BASEDOW'S DISEASE AND OF HYPERTENSION WITH FLUORIDE) Prensa Med Arg 17:690-700 (1930) Rev Soc Med Int Soc Tisiol 6:217-42 (1930)

Goldemberg L - "Traitement de la maladie de Basedow et de l'hyperthyroidisme par le fluor" [TREATMENT OF BASEDOW DISEASE AND HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH FLUORIDE] Presse Méd 38:1751 (1930)

Goldemberg L - "La terapeutica del fluor. Las inyecciones intravenosas de fluoruro de sodio en el hombre" [THE THERAPEUTICA OF FLUORINE. THE INTRAVENOUS INJECTIONS OF SODIUM FLUORIDE IN MAN] Rev Espec As Med Argent 5:422 (1930)

Cristiani H - "Alteration de la glande thyroide dans l'intoxication fluoree" Compt Rend Soc Biol 103:554-556 (1930)


Clifford WM - "The effect of fluorides and iodides on the clotting of milk by pepsin" Biochem J 22(4):1128-32 (1928)


Goldemberg L - J Physiol et Path 25:1 (1927)


Goldemberg L -"Action physiologique des fluorures" Compt Rend Soc Physiol (Paris) 95:1169 (1926)


Marine D - "Etiology and Prevention of Simple Goitre" Medicine 3:453-79 (1924)


Pighini G -"Il gozzo endemico e la sua etiologia in funzionie disfunzion i tiroidee" Publicato per cura dell'Institute Sieroterapico, Milano p.41 (1923), also cited in Roholm K - "Fluoride Intoxication" A Clinical-Hygienic Study | WITH A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE AND SOME EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS NYT Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen; HK Lewis and Co., London (1937)

(F- inhibits thyroid function/cause of goiter)

Goldemberg, Pighini, Parhou & Goldstein - La glande thyroïde, in: Lehrbuch der endokrin. Erkrankungen, Vol. 1, Genf, Ed. Christiani (1923)


Durham H - "The Prevalence of Thyroid Enlargement in and about Hereford" Epidemiology and Infection, 19(4), 394-401 (1921) doi:10.1017/S0022172400007968

Goldemberg L - "Goitre experimental par le fluor" (EXPERIMENTAL GOITER PRODUCED BY FLUORINE) La Semana Med 28:628-32 (1921)


Houssay BA - "Goitre experimental provoque par l'eau de Cerrillos (salta)" Compt Rend Soc Biol (Paris) 83:1244 (1920)


Cameron MHV - "Simple Goitre" Can Med Assoc J 9(4):302-9 (1919) ... 8-0036.pdf
"Another theory is that a characteristic of goiteriginous water is a content of fluorides. This was advanced in a paper published in the report of the French Academy of Sciences in 1917. Mr. Lancaster of the Provincial Laboratory of Metallurgy undertook to work over these experiments, using waters from Ontario. This task was interrupted, but may yet be undertaken. Should there be a causative association between fluorides and goitre discovered, it will probably be found to depend upon the simple fact in inorganic chemistry that fluorin displaces iodin from its combinations."

Goldemberg L - "Probable patogenia del bocio endemico. Accion de los fluoruros en pequenas dosis repetidas sobre el crecimianto y la temperatura animal. (THE PROBABLE PATHOGENESIS OF ENDEMIC GOITER. THE ACTION OF FLUORIDES IN SMALL REPEATED DOSES UPON GROWTH AND TEMPERATURE OF ANIMALS) Semana Med 26 : 213-21 (1919)


Acidum hydrofluoricum - Hagers Handbuch der Pharmaceutischen Praxis pp 63-65 (1900) ... 47350-0_27
For use against Goiter (Basedow)


Waddell MB "The urea elimination under the use of potassium fluoride in health" J Anat Physiol 18(Pt 2): 145–149 (1884) Resident Physician, Medical College Hospital, Calcutta. ... 4-0027.pdf
(Artificially produced anemia, discussion of use of hydrofluoric acid in treatment of goitre)


Waddell LA - "On the Physiological and Medicinal Action of Hydrofluoric Acid and the Fluorides" Ind Med Gaz 18(7):183-192 (1883) ... 9-0013.pdf
More anemia and fluoride/goitre


Smith WG - "Report on materia medica and therapeutics" Dub Quart J Med Sci 49:207–236 (1870)
(Discussion of findings by Rabuteau)


Rabuteau, APA - "Étude expérimentale sur les effects physiologiques des fluorures et des composés métalliques en général" Thêses, Paris, 1867, 151 pp
Rabuteau - Paris, Bailliere (8):144 (1867)
(Available from Royal College of Surgeons, London, England) in: Durham (1921)


Maumené E -"Experiencé pour déterminer l'action des fluores sur l'economie animale" Compt Rend Acad Sci (Paris) 39:538-539 (1854)

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