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Compound 1080

OSHA Sampling Info ... 67600.html

OSHA Comments

EPA Sodium Fluoroacetate: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) PDF


CDC/IDHL Documentation

Currently its single registration is for use in the livestock protection collar (LPC) for controlling coyotes preying on sheep and goats. The LPC is a small rubber collar, worn by sheep or goats, that contains two small reservoirs of the toxin. It is selective for individual problem animals, since it is only administered when the coyote punctures the bladder during the act of biting the throat of the collared animal (APHIS).


US Fish & Wildlife Service Press Release (2001)
“Poisoning Confirmed As Cause of Wolf Death”

* “U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service law enforcement agents have confirmed poisoning as the cause of death of at least two gray wolves in Idaho, B-37 and B-96. The Service’s National Forensics Laboratory in Ashland, Oregon, performed necropsies on the wolves and determined that the animals were killed by Compound 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate), a highly toxic poison.
* Service law enforcement agents recovered the body of B-37 in the Salmon-Challis National Forest near Pepper Creek in August of 2000. B-96, a male member of the Smoky Mountain pack, was found dead near Lick Creek about 20 miles north of Fairfield, Idaho, in November, 2000. Although B-96 had also been shot in the lower right hip, he died as a result of Compound 1080 poisoning. Lab reports indicate that two other gray wolves, B-92 and B-89 of the Moyer Basin pack, may possibly have met a similar fate but the carcasses were too badly decomposed to confirm the suspicion. The Moyer Basin wolves were found dead at the same time and within five miles of B-37.
* Compound 1080 is a highly toxic substance that is illegal to possess. It will kill any animals, including birds, that ingest baited meat or the carcasses of dead animals that have already been poisoned. Canines are most susceptible to poisoning due to ingestion of baited meat, but the toxins can also enter animal or human bloodstreams through contact with abraded skin or wounds, or through the respiratory system if poisoned dust particles are inhaled. Poisoning symptoms include convulsions, seizures, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, blistering of tissues, throat irritation, and coughing.
* Special Agent Paul Weyland cautioned livestock owners, recreationists, hunters and other persons inoutdoor areas, If you see a pile of meat, a carcass, or dead birds near a carcass, please contact our offices immediately. We are very concerned for the safety of dogs and children, as well as wildlife that may be harmed by this illegal practice.
* The killing of an endangered species is punishable by law, with a penalty of up to one year in jail and a maximum fine of $100,000. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Defenders of Wildlife and the Wolf Education and Research Center are offering a reward of $10,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons responsible for killing these animals.”

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