More on TSH, fluoride and the NAS/NRC Review

Comments on the 2006 NAS/NRC report
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More on TSH, fluoride and the NAS/NRC Review

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Comments on the NAS/NRC Report: Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards

NOTE: This is a plain text version of the 2006 article. For the original and hyper-linked version of this article, please see:

© 2006 PFPC

More on TSH, fluoride and the NAS/NRC Review

A previous PFPC comment focused on the fact that the NRC used TSH reference levels which were 4 years out of date. [Click here: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4]

What is perhaps even more astounding is the NRC’s complete failure to disclose/discuss that fluoride has been used in hundreds of laboratory investigations specifically as a thyroid-stimulating-hormone (TSH) analogue [=> acts like TSH].

Instead, the NRC writes:

In summary, evidence of several types indicates that fluoride affects normal endocrine function or response; the effects of the fluoride-induced changes vary in degree and kind in different individuals. Fluoride is therefore an endocrine disruptor in the broad sense of altering normal endocrine function or response, although probably not in the sense of mimicking a normal hormone (NRC 2006; Page 266).

As stated above, there are many studies showing the effects of fluoride directly mimicking TSH. [For a short list, please click here:]

Already in 1940 De Eds was able to cause dental fluorosis with TSH (De Eds et al, 1940).

While the NRC acknowledges fluoride as a "universal" G protein activator, it apparently doesn’t realize that it thereby mimicks the activity of TSH.

The TSH receptor is the ONLY natural G-protein-coupled receptor known to activate all G protein families (Laugwitz et al, 1996).

DeEds F, Wilson RH, Cutting WC - "Thyrotropic hormone and fluorine activity" Endocrinology 26(6):1053-1056 (1940)

Laugwitz KL, Allgeier A, Offermanns S, Spicher K, Van Sande J, Dumont JE, Schultz G - "The human thyrotropin receptor: a heptahelical receptor capable of stimulating members of all four G protein families" Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 93(1):116-20 (1996) ... id=8552586
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