2012 - Effect of fluoride on the expression of rat TPO mRNA

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2012 - Effect of fluoride on the expression of rat TPO mRNA

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138. 氟对大鼠甲状腺过氧化物酶mRNA表达的影响
李红 才琪 王丹 中国地方病学杂志 2012 年9月 20日第31 卷第5 期
Chin J Endemiol袁 September 20袁 2012袁Vol. 31袁 No.5

Li et al. - "Effect of fluoride on the expression of rat thyroid peroxidase mRNA" Chin J Endemiol 31(5):9-20 (2012)


【摘要】 目的 观察长期氟过量对大鼠甲状腺过氧化物酶渊TPO冤活性尧TPO mRNA 表达的影响袁并探讨其
可能的机制遥 方法 选用雄性 SD 大鼠 40 只袁按体质量分为对照组尧低氟组尧中氟组尧高氟组袁每组 10 只袁分别
饮用含氟化钠 0.40 渊普通自来水冤尧15.00尧30.00 和 60.00 mg辕L 的自来水袁 均食用普通粮食配制的饲料遥 喂养
180 d 后处死遥 测定血清FT3 和FT4曰采用改良愈创木酚法测定甲状腺TPO活性曰半定量RT-PCR方法检测甲状
腺 TPO mRNA 表达水平遥 结果 低尧中尧高氟组血清 FT3 水平咱渊3.62 依 0.47冤尧渊3.57 依 0.55冤和渊3.30 依 0.68冤
pmol辕L暂与对照组咱渊3.64 依 0.45冤pmol辕L暂相比虽呈下降趋势袁但差异无统计学意义渊P 跃 0.05冤曰高氟组血清
FT4 水平咱渊8.64 依 1.72冤pmol辕L暂低于对照组尧低尧中氟组咱渊13.08 依 1.69冤尧渊12.68 依 1.32冤尧渊12.05 依 1.43冤pmol辕L袁 P 均 约 0.05暂遥 对照组尧低氟组尧中氟组尧高氟组甲状腺细胞 TPO 活性咱渊1.572 依 0.064冤尧渊1.414 依 0.086冤尧
渊1.322 依 0.049冤尧0.960 依 0.083冤U辕L暂随着氟浓度的升高而明显降低袁任意两组组间比较差异均有统计学意
义渊P均 约 0.05冤袁TPO活性与氟浓度呈显著负相关渊r = - 0.955袁P 约 0.05冤遥 半定量RT-PCR结果显示院对照组尧
低氟组尧中氟组尧高氟组甲状腺 TPO mRNA 表达水平渊0.936 依 0.160尧0.368 依 0.095尧0.115 依 0.018尧0.016 依
0.008冤随着氟浓度升高而明显降低袁任意两组组间比较差异均有统计学意义渊P均 约 0.05冤遥 结论 长期摄入过

【关键词铱 氟中毒袁牙曰 大鼠曰 甲状腺曰 甲状腺过氧化物酶
Effect of fluoride on the expression of rat thyroid peroxidase mRNA
袁 CA IQi袁 WANG Dan.
Department of Biochemistry袁 Liaoning Medical University袁 Jinzhou 121000袁 China
揖Abstract铱 Objective To study the effect of long鄄term fluoride excess on the activity of thyroid peroxidase
渊TPO冤 and the expression of TPO mRNA in rat thyroid袁 and explore the underlying mechanism. Methods Forty
male SD rats were randomly divided into four groups based on their body mass渊n = 10 in each group冤院 control group袁 low鄄fluoride group袁 moderate鄄fluoride group and high鄄fluoride group袁 and rats were fed on water containing 0.40渊tap water冤袁 15.00袁 30.00 and 60.00 mg 辕L NaF袁 respectively袁 eating ordinary food formulated feed. All rats were sacrificed 180 days afterwards. Serum FT3 and FT4 袁 TPO activity and mRNA expression level were determined by radio鄄immunoassay袁 modified guaiacol method and semi鄄quantitative RT鄄PCR袁 respectively. Results Although serum FT3 levels in low鄄fluoride咱渊3.62 依 0.47冤pmol辕L暂袁 moderate鄄fluoride咱渊3.57 依 0.55冤pmol辕L暂 and high鄄fluoride 咱渊3.30 依 0.68冤pmol 辕 L暂 treated groups were decreased compared with the control 渊3.64 依 0.45冤pmol辕 L暂袁 the difference was not statistically significant渊P 跃 0.05冤. Serum FT4 levels of the high鄄fluoride group咱渊8.64 依 1.72冤 pmol辕L暂 were significantly lower compared with other groups咱渊13.08 依 1.69冤袁 渊12.68 依 1.32冤袁 渊12.05 依 1.43冤pmol辕L袁 all P < 0.05暂. TPO activity in control袁 low鄄fluoride袁 moderate鄄fluoride and high鄄fluoride鄄treated groups咱渊1.572 依 0.064冤袁 渊1.414 依 0.086冤袁 渊1.322 依 0.049冤袁 渊0.960 依 0.083冤U辕L暂 was decreased with the dose of fluoride increasing袁 the difference was statistically significant between any two groups渊all P < 0.05冤. The TPO activity was negatively correlated with the dose of fluoride渊r = - 0.955袁 P < 0.05冤. With increased fluoride袁 the expression of TPO mRNA 渊0.936 依 0.160袁 0.368 依 0.095袁 0.115 依 0.018袁 0.016 依 0.008冤 decreased袁the difference was statistically significant between any two groups渊all P < 0.05冤. Conclusion Chronic fluoride excess inhibits the activity and the expression of TPO as well as thyroid hormone synthesis.
氟对大鼠甲状腺过氧化物酶mRNA 表达的影响
【摘要】目的观察长期氟过量对大鼠甲状腺过氧化物酶渊TPO冤活性尧TPO mRNA 表达的影响袁并探讨其
可能的机制遥方法选用雄性SD 大鼠40 只袁按体质量分为对照组尧低氟组尧中氟组尧高氟组袁每组10 只袁分别
饮用含氟化钠0.40 渊普通自来水冤尧15.00尧30.00 和60.00 mg辕L 的自来水袁均食用普通粮食配制的饲料遥喂养
180 d 后处死遥测定血清FT3 和FT4曰采用改良愈创木酚法测定甲状腺TPO 活性曰半定量RT-PCR 方法检测甲状
腺TPO mRNA 表达水平遥结果低尧中尧高氟组血清FT3 水平咱渊3.62 依0.47冤尧渊3.57 依0.55冤和渊3.30 依0.68冤
pmol辕L暂与对照组咱渊3.64 依0.45冤pmol辕L暂相比虽呈下降趋势袁但差异无统计学意义渊P 跃0.05冤曰高氟组血清
FT4 水平咱渊8.64 依1.72冤pmol辕L暂低于对照组尧低尧中氟组咱渊13.08 依1.69冤尧渊12.68 依1.32冤尧渊12.05 依1.43冤pmol辕L袁
P 均约0.05暂遥对照组尧低氟组尧中氟组尧高氟组甲状腺细胞TPO 活性咱渊1.572 依0.064冤尧渊1.414 依0.086冤尧
渊1.322 依0.049冤尧0.960 依0.083冤U辕L暂随着氟浓度的升高而明显降低袁任意两组组间比较差异均有统计学意
义渊P 均约0.05冤袁TPO 活性与氟浓度呈显著负相关渊r = - 0.955袁P 约0.05冤遥半定量RT-PCR 结果显示院对照组尧
低氟组尧中氟组尧高氟组甲状腺TPO mRNA 表达水平渊0.936 依0.160尧0.368 依0.095尧0.115 依0.018尧0.016 依
0.008冤随着氟浓度升高而明显降低袁任意两组组间比较差异均有统计学意义渊P 均约0.05冤遥结论长期摄入过
量氟抑制甲状腺TPO 活性和TPO 的表达袁影响甲状腺激素合成遥
Effect of fluoride on the expression of rat thyroid peroxidase mRNA LI Hong*袁CAI Qi袁WANG Dan.
*Department of Biochemistry袁Liaoning Medical University袁Jinzhou 121000袁China
揖Abstract铱Objective To study the effect of long鄄term fluoride excess on the activity of thyroid peroxidase
渊TPO冤and the expression of TPO mRNA in rat thyroid袁and explore the underlying mechanism. Methods Forty
male SD rats were randomly divided into four groups based on their body mass渊n = 10 in each group冤院control group袁
low鄄fluoride group袁moderate鄄fluoride group and high鄄fluoride group袁and rats were fed on water containing 0.40渊tap
water冤袁15.00袁30.00 and 60.00 mg辕L NaF袁respectively袁eating ordinary food formulated feed. All rats were
sacrificed 180 days afterwards. Serum FT3 and FT4袁TPO activity and mRNA expression level were determined by
radio鄄immunoassay袁modified guaiacol method and semi鄄quantitative RT鄄PCR袁respectively. Results Although
serum FT3 levels in low鄄fluoride咱渊3.62 依0.47冤pmol辕L暂袁moderate鄄fluoride咱渊3.57 依0.55冤pmol辕L暂and high鄄fluoride
咱渊3.30 依0.68冤pmol 辕L暂treated groups were decreased compared with the control咱渊3.64 依0.45冤pmol 辕L暂袁the
difference was not statistically significant渊P 跃0.05冤. Serum FT4 levels of the high鄄fluoride group咱渊8.64 依1.72冤
pmol辕L暂were significantly lower compared with other groups咱渊13.08 依1.69冤袁渊12.68 依1.32冤袁渊12.05 依1.43冤pmol辕L袁
all P < 0.05暂. TPO activity in control袁low鄄fluoride袁moderate鄄fluoride and high鄄fluoride鄄treated groups咱渊1.572 依
0.064冤袁渊1.414 依0.086冤袁渊1.322 依0.049冤袁渊0.960 依0.083冤U辕L暂was decreased with the dose of fluoride increasing袁
the difference was statistically significant between any two groups渊all P < 0.05冤. The TPO activity was negatively
correlated with the dose of fluoride渊r = - 0.955袁P < 0.05冤. With increased fluoride袁the expression of TPO mRNA
渊0.936 依0.160袁0.368 依0.095袁0.115 依0.018袁0.016 依0.008冤decreased袁the difference was statistically significant
between any two groups渊all P < 0.05冤. Conclusion Chronic fluoride excess inhibits the activity and the expression
of TPO as well as thyroid hormone synthesis.
揖Key words铱Fluorosis袁dental曰Rats曰Thyroid gland曰Thyroid peroxidase
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